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Dear Die-ary, today I learned that on the inside... I'm pretty fucking ugly
December 3, 2002 @ 7:00 P.M.

The more things change...

We've accquired a new company at my workplace. We're going to have to handle another 5,000 customers. Great for business, hell for tech support. On top of that, we're only going to have one senior tech left in the building for at least a while. They're going to have to hire more people... hope the people upstairs realize that as well. I doubt it.

I had some rather humourous calls, but they're all running together in my head at the moment, due to fatigue, and burning anger. Mark lost one of my birthday presents in a drunken stupor yesterday. A knife that my boss gave me. Only 5,000 were made... and now I don't have one of them.



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Old Stuff
Bye bye - July 22, 2003
Fired - July 10, 2003
Shame on you, Google! - July 4, 2003
Well well well - July 1, 2003
ACK! - June 30, 2003


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