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Elaborating on my rant
October 28, 2002 @ 9:45 P.M.

I stopped by to check on my friend today, but she wasn't home. Dunno where she was.. maybe she was out stripping to make enough money to pay off her rising debts. Maybe she was working to try and start raising money to bail out her lazy piece of shit boyfriend.

Let me elaborate a bit on that last statment.

Her boyfriend hasn't had a job in several months.

She was working 2.

A coctail waitress at a strip bar, and as a waitress at a waffle house. She quit her second job so that she could start stripping to raise more money. Her boyfriend didn't care. So long as she could pay his bills, that was all that mattered. There was more to it than that, though. He would also spend her money on ciggarettes, and booze, and drugs. All the while, he never lifted a finger to help pay for any of it. And all the while, he bitched about having her for a girlfriend.

I kept my opinion to myself, since it was none of my business.

I'll continue to do so.

But I can share my thoughts with you all, right?

What kills me the most is that she likes me. Not that, "Hey, you're my friend from down the street" like. No, the, "Gee I hope you aren't single next time I am because I'll probably try and get with you" like.

I've known her since high school. I feel more like her older brother than a love interest....

I don't know how to handle this one. For now, I'll just make sure that she's allright during this hard time she's going through. That will have to be enough.

Work sucked today. My heart is heavy, and my eyes are full of fatigue. You know you're in for one hell of a week when you allready know you're fucked, and it's only Sunday.

Next weekend I'll find out if the month of November is going to suck as well.

Wish me luck.


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Old Stuff
Bye bye - July 22, 2003
Fired - July 10, 2003
Shame on you, Google! - July 4, 2003
Well well well - July 1, 2003
ACK! - June 30, 2003


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