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"I've been talking to dead rabbits and feeding bloody walls. I've dong horrifying things with salad tongs. It's really eaten into my social life."
August 27, 2002 @ 12:10 P.M.

Interesting thing yesterday. Went to go visit some friends from High School. Freaky. They still look the same, act the same, everything. Ah well, they're still pretty fun. Just kinda caught me off guard, I suppose. The people I keep in touch with that I've known that long have all changed so much since High School... I guess I figured they'd be no different. I realized today that I have just 2 more months until halloween. Kinda snuck up on me this year. I still don't know what I'm going to be doing, but I'm going to be sure to have off that evening, so that we can do something great. Maybe I can be Johnny The Homicidal Maniac this year, eh? :)


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Old Stuff
Bye bye - July 22, 2003
Fired - July 10, 2003
Shame on you, Google! - July 4, 2003
Well well well - July 1, 2003
ACK! - June 30, 2003


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