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August 9, 2002 @ 10:00 A.M.

Heh heh, One of my first calls of the day, and it was so funny I figured I should share it with you all. Someone got a phone bill in, and they had over 80 bucks in 1-900 number charges. They had downloaded a porn dialer, and started connecting through it. Needless to say, they had no idea that they were going to be charged for it. It took me over half an hour to get it removed, mostly because both the lady, and the gentleman were not from the USA, and weren't too profecient in English yet. The whole time, I was trying to figure out which of them was the one who downloaded it, because both of them sounded so guilty on the phone.

Funny stuff.

BTW, some more dramatic crap went down last night, I'll post about it later, when I have more time.


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Old Stuff
Bye bye - July 22, 2003
Fired - July 10, 2003
Shame on you, Google! - July 4, 2003
Well well well - July 1, 2003
ACK! - June 30, 2003


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