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Thisis my entry
April 21, 2003 @ 10:20 P.M.

Mark and I are still getting along pretty well. I suppose that's a good thing, but at the same time, it pains me to see the route his life is taking. He needs to focus on his future, but he's stuck in the "now."

Ah well, he'll get it, eventually.

Our crawfish boil approaches. I'm leaving the crawfish to Mark, but I'm in charge of the burgers, chicken, turkey, and sausage. Not too shabby. I sure do love to cook. I've been thinking a bit lately. About my future. What do I want to do with the rest of my life? I know this much.

I want Katharine. Always.

She's the one.

I think I can grow with I-55. We're going to be competing directly against Bell South within the next three years.. I want to be a part of that. It excites me to think of what we can accomplish, and what I can learn by working there. It sure is nice to get some hands-on experience.

I can't wait to go back to school. If my promotion gets through soon enough, it'll be easy to get back into the swing. After that, I have enough credit hours to pick up my degree pretty quickly. After that... who knows? Stick with I-55.... move on. Either way, I'll be happy doing what I love the most.


If I could make a living learning new things.............. wow. That'd be nice. But unfortunately, there is more to it than that. I also feel the itch.

The itch to move on. I want to leave Louisiana. So does Katharine. Wherever I go, I want to take her with me. I love her so much. I want to be with her forever. I don't think she'll ever really understand just how much she means to me. I don't know what I'd do wihtout her. In fact, she just brought me some dinner, so I need to go spend some time with her. I may finish my thoughts tomorow, but I'm training another new guy. We'll see.


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Old Stuff
Bye bye - July 22, 2003
Fired - July 10, 2003
Shame on you, Google! - July 4, 2003
Well well well - July 1, 2003
ACK! - June 30, 2003


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