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No beer on the weekend sucks.
July 29, 2002 @ 9:30 A.M.

What a great weekend I've had! Got to work, didn't get to go out, and I even got to watch my roommate and our friend put away a couple of cases of beer. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! I hate taking medicine. Sure, it beats the alternative, but I sure would love to have a beer with my friends. Ah well, the good news is that while I'm not able to have one, I can use that time to do more constructive things.

On a lighter note, this payday I'll probably be picking up a webcam, and I will be able to put up some pictures of myself for you all.


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Old Stuff
Bye bye - July 22, 2003
Fired - July 10, 2003
Shame on you, Google! - July 4, 2003
Well well well - July 1, 2003
ACK! - June 30, 2003


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